How To Hide Extension Cord For Outdoor String Lights (5+ Ways) (2024)

Efficiently conceal outdoor string light extension cords using these methods: incorporate mulch or rocks for blending with the landscape, opt for underground installation for a long-term solution, employ cable raceways without drilling or wall-running, camouflage cords with paint that matches surroundings, use zip ties to bundle and hide cords, or route cords behind outdoor furniture like planters or sofas. Prioritize adhering to guidelines and regulations while maintaining cord functionality and accessibility.

String lights are a beautiful addition to any outdoor space, adding a warm, inviting ambiance.

They can be wrapped around trees, draped over eaves, and strung along fences to create an enchanting nighttime scene.

But the cords that are necessary to power the lights can often be an eye sore, detracting from the overall look.

Fortunately, there are several methods to hide the extension cords and maintain the beauty of the string lights.

From cleverly camouflaging the cords to cleverly concealing them, there are a number of solutions to make sure your outdoor string lights look as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

With a few simple steps, you can keep your outdoor space looking neat and tidy, allowing you to enjoy the romantic atmosphere provided by the string lights.

How To Hide Extension Cord For Outdoor String Lights (5+ Ways) (1)

Gather Your Supplies

Gathering the necessary supplies, the first items to acquire are extension cords, electrical tape, and zip ties. Durable and reliable, the extension cords provide a safe and convenient means of tapping into an electrical outlet, while the electrical tape can be used to secure and insulate any exposed wires. Lastly, the zip ties provide a secure method for fastening, bundling, and organizing the various cords and wires.

Extension Cords

Buoyed by the knowledge gained in the previous section, it’s time to arm yourself with the necessary tools to make your electrical project come to life. Extension cords, electrical tape, and zip ties are all essential elements for wiring; so let’s focus on the importance of the extension cord first.

Extension cords come in a variety of lengths, but if you need to extend your project even further, you can always connect two or more extension cords together. It’s important to ensure that the wattage of the two cords is the same, so as not to overload the circuits. When coiled, the cords should remain loose, as tightly wound cords can cause a buildup of heat that can damage the wiring.

A good quality extension cord has a molded plug that won’t pull apart easily and a heavy-duty strain relief that prevents the cord from fraying. Choose a cord with an adequate wire gauge to meet your needs. The higher the number, the thinner the wire. It’s also important to check the length of the cord, as the length of the cord affects the amount of voltage that can safely pass through it.

With the right extension cord in hand, you’ll be ready to start wiring your project.

Electrical Tape

Moving on from the extension cords, the next must-have electrical item is electrical tape. Electrical tape is an invaluable tool for any electrician. It is a multi-purpose tool used to insulate wires, provide a protective layer, and secure connections. Electrical tape is available in a variety of colors to match the project needs. It is made of a stretchy vinyl material that is flexible and can be adhered to any surface with ease.

It is important to use electrical tape correctly to ensure maximum protection. When applying electrical tape, it is best to use at least two layers for optimal performance. The first layer should be wrapped tightly around the connection to ensure a secure fit. The second layer should overlap the first to provide extra protection and insulation. When using electrical tape, it is best to select a tape with a minimum thickness of 0.007” to ensure that it can withstand extreme heat and temperature.

The best way to store electrical tape is by wrapping it around a spool or a stick. This keeps the tape from getting tangled and makes it easy to access when needed. Additionally, it is important to store the tape away from direct sunlight and moisture to prevent it from deteriorating. Electrical tape is a necessity for any electrical project and should be part of any electrician’s toolkit.

Zip Ties

Assembling the essential tools for any project, zip ties are an invaluable asset. A zip tie is a type of fastener made of nylon or other tough, durable material that is used to bind two or more objects together. They come in various lengths, widths, and colors, allowing for flexibility in applications.

Zip ties are ideal for organizing and bundling objects together. Their resilient design allows them to remain secure when tied around items of different shapes and sizes. The tie’s ratcheting mechanism also ensures that the tension is evenly maintained, allowing the user to adjust the tightness as needed.

Zip ties can also be used to fasten items to walls and other surfaces. This makes them particularly useful when installing wiring and other electrical components. The tie’s lightweight construction also makes them easy to install and remove without the need for special tools or hardware. As a result, zip ties are ideal for quickly completing projects that require a secure and organized connection.

Choose Your Hiding Spot

Measuring the area is the first step in choosing a hiding spot. Clear away any debris that could give away your hiding spot, and stay away from areas with a lot of foot traffic. Finding the perfect spot can be a challenge, but with a bit of patience and persistence you can find the perfect spot for your game of hide and seek.

Measure the Area

Having gathered the necessary supplies, it is now time to choose the perfect hiding spot. The first step in selecting a spot is to measure the area. Accurately measuring the area helps ensure that the hiding spot fits all of the supplies and is not too cramped.

When measuring the area, it is important to keep an eye out for any obstacles that could impede progress. Low-hanging branches, protruding rocks, and other hazards should be avoided at all costs. Furthermore, the area should be wide enough to move around without bumping into anything.

The area should also provide adequate cover from any potentially prying eyes. If possible, look for a spot that is hidden away from roads and trails. If the chosen spot is visible from the road, try to find a place that has dense foliage to conceal the hiding spot. That way, it will be difficult for anyone to find the area without significant effort.

Clear Away Debris

Once you have measured the area and determined the size of your hidden spot, it is time to clear away any debris. Before you begin, it is important to assess the area to determine what needs to be moved. Look for any objects that may obstruct your view, such as a fallen branch or an overgrown bush. These objects can easily be removed, giving you more space to work with and making your hiding spot more effective.

If the area is dry, you should use a broom or rake to clear away any leaves, twigs, and other natural debris. This will help to make your hiding spot look more attractive and inviting. Additionally, you will want to make sure the area is free of any animal droppings or other unpleasant surprises. Once you have removed the debris, you can use a garden hose or a small watering can to dampen the ground and make it easier to work with.

Once the area is clear of debris, you can begin to customize your hiding spot. This could include adding a pillow or blanket, a small table, or a few chairs. You can also add some plants or decorations to make the area more inviting. Whatever you decide to do, the goal is to make your hiding spot comfortable and enjoyable so you can stay hidden for as long as possible.

Avoid High-Traffic Areas

As you embark on your mission to find the ideal hideout, it is important to consider the amount of traffic that your chosen spot will attract. A safe hideout should be tucked away in an area that will remain undisturbed and unnoticed. Consider if there are any people or creatures that may venture into your spot, like birds, squirrels, or cats. Make sure the area is not too close to any popular trails or spots.

Look around to see if there is a lot of foot traffic or busy roads nearby. If you find yourself in a populated area, look for a place that is tucked away in a corner. Even if it is in the middle of a bustling area, a well-hidden nook can be the perfect spot to hide away. When picking your spot, also consider the time of day that you will be using it. If you are using the spot during the day, pick an area that won’t draw too much attention.

When scouting your area, make sure to pay attention to the direction the wind is blowing. This can determine if your hideout is easily found by the smell of food or other items that may draw attention. You should also check the area for signs of water and mud. If the spot is too damp or wet, it may not be the most comfortable spot. Avoid high-traffic areas that may be too visible and noisy and instead, pick a spot that is tucked away and out of sight.

Mount the Extension Cords

Using a drill, create small holes in the wall where the extension cord will be mounted. Insert zip ties through the holes in the wall and wrap them around the cord to secure it firmly in place. Finally, use electrical tape to cover the zip ties for added protection.

Drill Holes

Carefully measuring the space, you prepare to make your mark. The drill in your hand whirs to life as you press it against the wall. You listen to the sound of the drill bit doing its work and watch as the wall material falls away. With a few more careful turns, the hole is ready for the zip tie. The room now has a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

The next step is to insert the zip ties. These are the same type you use to secure your bike to the post outside, only these will be hidden away behind the walls. You slip the ties into the drill holes, ensuring a secure fit. With a few twists of the ties, the cords can now be looped through and secured.

Finally, the electrical tape is applied as the finishing touch. Running a continuous line around the cords, you wrap it around the zip ties, creating a strong bond between the wall and the cords. You can now rest assured that your cords are secure in their new hiding spot.

Insert Zip Ties

Carefully plotting out the location of each zip tie and measuring the distance between them, you set to work attaching the cords securely to the wall. You carefully select the spots where you will drill the holes and mark them with a pencil. As you grab the drill and the necessary screws, your heart races with the anticipation of the next step.

Inserting the zip ties, you feel a sense of satisfaction with the way they fit snugly around the cords. You pull on each one to make sure it is secure, marveling at how strong and reliable they feel. You adjust the tightness until it is just right, making sure the cords won’t slip out.

Finally, you finish off by wrapping electrical tape around the zip ties and cords, providing an extra layer of security. You stand back and admire your handiwork, relieved to know that the cords are safely secured and won’t be going anywhere. You have successfully completed your task and can now move on to the next challenge.

Secure with Electrical Tape

Having successfully drilled the necessary holes and inserted zip ties, it’s time to secure the extension cords. Electrical tape is a great way to ensure that the cords stay in place. This tape has a strong adhesive that sticks to the cords and also provides a protective layer against any outside elements.

Carefully wrap the tape around the cord and secure any knots or ends. Be sure to cover the entire length of the cord, so that no part is left exposed. This will help prevent any fraying or other damage to the cord. Take your time while wrapping the electrical tape, making sure that you also cover the zip ties in the process.

When done, the cord should be tightly secured in place and the outside protected from any outside elements. This will help the cord last for many years, and provide a secure hiding spot for whatever you choose to keep hidden.

Connect the Lights

First, connecting the extension cords is necessary to ensure that the lights are able to reach the desired area. This involves plugging one end into the wall outlet and then plugging the other end into the string of lights. Next, attaching the lights to the desired surface helps to create the desired effect. Securely fastening the lights in place is essential to ensure that they remain in place. Finally, checking the connections helps to make sure that the entire set up is fully functional.

Connect the Extension Cords

Now that the extension cords have been securely mounted, it’s time to connect them to the lights. This is an important step to ensure that your outdoor lighting experience is secure and hassle-free. Begin by inspecting the cord ends to make sure they are free of debris. Then, plug the male end of the extension cord into the female outlet of the lights. Be sure to firmly press the cord into the outlet so that it is securely seated. Once the cord is firmly in place, plug the female end of the extension cord into an appropriate outdoor power source. Make sure the socket is rated for the amount of power needed by the lights. If unsure, consult an electrician or the manufacturer. Finally, check the connections to make sure there are no exposed wires. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your outdoor lighting experience is safe and enjoyable.

Attach the Lights

Now that the extension cords have been mounted, it is time to attach the lights. Care must be taken when hanging the lights to ensure that the strands are properly secured to the area of installation. It is essential to choose the right type of hook to hold the lights in place, both in terms of weight and design.

These hooks come in a variety of shapes and sizes, some designed specifically to hold the lights steady. If the installation is outside, the hooks should be able to withstand the weather and any added weight of the lights. Securely attach the lights to the hooks, leaving enough slack in the line to keep the lights from being too taut and easily broken.

Be sure to check that all of the lights are securely in place and that all of the hooks are firmly attached. Take a step back and look at the lights from different angles to make sure that they’ve been hung correctly and to get a feel for how the display will look overall. Now is the time to make any adjustments that may be necessary before continuing with the next step.

Check Connections

Now that the extension cords and lights have been connected, it is time to make sure everything is secure. Visual inspection of all connections should be done to ensure that no wires are exposed. Any exposed wires or connections that are not secure may lead to a fire hazard or shock.

Start by examining the connections between the extension cord and the light fixtures. Make sure that the plugs are fully inserted and the locking tabs are secure. If the connections are not snug, use electrical tape to secure them in place. To test the connections, lightly tug on the plugs. If they remain in place, the connection is secure.

Next, check the connections between the lights. Make sure the bulbs are firmly in place and the bases are secure. If the bulbs are loose, tighten them by hand. After the bulbs are secure, look for any exposed wires and make sure they are covered. If any wires are exposed, cover them with electrical tape.

Finally, conduct a test run by turning on the power and making sure all the lights work. If there are any issues, check the connections and make sure they are secure. Once everything is properly connected and secure, the lights are ready to be used.

Test the Lights

After plugging in the lights, the next step is to check that the bulbs are securely fastened. A quick visual inspection can ensure that all the bulbs are still in place. Finally, the bulbs can be adjusted to the desired angle, so that the light is optimally distributed throughout the room.

Plug in the Lights

Having connected the lights, the next step is to plug them in. To do this, it’s best to use a plug that has a sturdy base, and make sure the plug is firmly inserted in the socket so that it won’t come loose. It’s also important to double-check that the plug is the right type for the lights being used. Once the plug is securely in the socket, the switch should be flipped to the “on” position.

The lights should then be inspected for any signs of damage or wear. If any are found, the lights should be replaced. If all appears to be in order, the lights can be switched on. It’s important to make sure the lights are on a secure surface, as any movement could cause the lights to become unplugged.

Finally, a visual inspection should be done to make sure the lights are securely in place. All of the light bulbs should be checked to make sure they are working, and all of the connections should be checked to make sure they are secure and functioning properly. This will ensure the lights stay lit up and remain safe and secure.

Check the Bulbs

Now that the lights are connected, it is time to check the bulbs. The first step is to ensure that all the bulbs are securely in place. Carefully take each bulb out of its socket and inspect it for any cracks or signs of damage. If any of the bulbs are damaged, replace them with new ones.

Next, check the wattage of each bulb. Make sure all the bulbs have the same wattage, which should match the wattage indicated on the package. For safety reasons, never use higher wattage than recommended. When replacing bulbs, always use the same wattage as the original.

Finally, make sure the bulbs are installed correctly in the sockets. The wider side of the base should be facing the socket. If the bulb is installed incorrectly, it won’t light up. Reverse it and try again. With all the bulbs in place, it’s time to test the lights.

Adjust the Bulbs

Having connected the lights, the next step in the process was to adjust the bulbs. With a gentle twist, the bulbs were slowly brought into focus. Each tiny movement was carefully observed, ensuring that the lights were evenly spaced and at the right angles. The ambient light of the room was augmented as the bulbs were adjusted to the desired brightness. Every movement created a new level of brightness, and the room was soon filled with a cozy, warm glow.

The light shone gently down on the furniture, creating a peaceful atmosphere that was both inviting and comforting. The light was just right, not too bright and not too dim. It was a subtle level of illumination, perfect for a night spent in quiet contemplation. With the adjustments complete, the lights were now ready for use. The bulbs had been positioned exactly as desired, and the room was bathed in the perfect level of light.

Conceal the Cords

To conceal the cords, a layer of mulch or rocks can be spread out, followed by a layer of landscaping fabric to keep them in place. Finally, a few decorative pieces can be used to add a stylish touch to the area.

Use Mulch or Rocks

Having tested the lights, the next step is to conceal the cords. For this, one effective option is to use mulch or rocks. The mulch or rocks can be used to cover any unsightly cords or hardware, making them practically invisible.

When using mulch or rocks, the first step is to lay down a layer of landscaping fabric. Not only will this prevent the mulch or rocks from sinking into the ground, but it also acts as an effective barrier against weeds and other undesirables. After the fabric is in place, the mulch or rocks can be spread over it in the desired areas. The choice of mulch or rocks is up to the individual’s preference, and both can create an attractive aesthetic.

Once the mulch or rocks are spread, they can be further enhanced with a variety of decorative pieces. These could include rocks, stones, or driftwood. Choosing pieces that tie in with the surroundings can create a sense of harmony and help the new landscape fit in even more seamlessly. Whatever choice is made, adding the decorative pieces will take the area to the next level.

Cover with Landscaping Fabric

Once the lights have been tested and you are certain they are working properly, the next step is to conceal the cords. One way to accomplish this is to cover them with landscaping fabric. Start by spreading out the fabric along the ground where the cords are located. Make sure to fold the edges of the fabric under itself so that it lays flat against the ground. Use heavy rocks or mulch to secure the fabric in place to prevent it from shifting or being moved. This will ensure that the cords are completely concealed and protected. The fabric should be stretched across the area of the cords and tucked in around the perimeter of the cords to ensure that they are completely covered. After the fabric is in place, you can add some decorative pieces to help camouflage the fabric and blend it in with your garden or landscaping.

Place Decorative Pieces

Once the lights have been tested and the cords concealed, the finishing touches can be added to the landscape. Decorative pieces can be used to further blend the lights into the rest of the landscape.

A wide variety of decorative pieces can be used to draw the eye away from the lights and add interest to the landscape. Pieces such as small statues, bird baths, and planters can be used to create a pleasing aesthetic. In addition to being visually appealing, these pieces can also have the added benefit of helping to deflect the light so that it does not shine directly onto the house or other nearby buildings.

The decorative pieces should be carefully placed in order to draw the eye away from the lights and create a balanced look. Groupings of small pieces can be used to create a focal point in the landscape, while larger pieces can be used to create a sense of depth and perspective. The pieces should also be placed in areas that receive a good amount of sun in order to add a bright and natural touch. By using decorative pieces, a unique and beautiful landscape can be created that will be the envy of the neighborhood.

Install a Timer

Having made the decision to install a timer, the next steps are to choose a timer model, install the timer, and finally set the timer. When choosing the timer model, research the features and capabilities that best suit your needs. Once the timer model has been chosen, follow the instructions carefully to install the timer. Finally, configure the timer using the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure it is set up correctly.

Choose a Timer Model

Moving on from concealing the cords, the next step is to install a timer. When selecting a timer model, it’s important to consider the purpose of the timer and the features that it offers. Many models come with a range of features such as a digital display, multiple outlets, remote access, and energy-saving modes. Before purchasing, read through the product details to ensure the timer features the desired specifications.

When selecting a timer, consider the number of outlets and the type of outlets it has. Some models have a few outlets and some have many. Additionally, some models may have different types of outlets, such as 2-prong, 3-prong, and even USB outlets. It’s important to select a timer that offers the type of outlets needed for the particular application.

In addition to the number and type of outlets, research the timer’s reset time. This is the amount of time it takes for the timer to switch on and off again. Some timer models offer settings that can be adjusted to the desired reset time. Knowing the reset time for the timer is important to ensure the timer will work for the intended application.

Install the Timer

With the cords properly concealed, it’s now time to install a timer to regulate the lighting. Installing a timer is not difficult; all that is required is a few simple steps.

Begin by finding a model that fits the decor of the room. Timers come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, so choose one that best complements the atmosphere. Once the timer has been selected, the next step is to install it.

Start by shutting off the power to the light switch, then unscrew the light switch plate. Prepare the timer by screwing it into the electrical box, then connect the timer’s black wire to the light switch’s black wire. Twist the two wires together and cover them with a wire nut. Connect the white wire from the timer to the white wire of the light switch, then attach the ground wire to the box. Place the timer into the electrical box, then screw the light switch plate back on.

Finally, turn the power back on and test the timer. If all connections were made correctly, the timer should be functioning properly.

Set the Timer

Having chosen and installed a timer model, the next step is setting the timer. This is a simple process that can be completed within minutes.

To begin, the user will need to insert two AA batteries into the timer. Once the batteries are in place, pressing the power button will bring the timer to life. Depending on the model, the display screen may need to be adjusted to the correct time. After making the necessary adjustments, the user can then select the mode of operation.

Most timer models have two modes of operation: manual and automatic. In manual mode, the user can manually adjust the on and off times for the device being controlled. In automatic mode, the user can program the timer to automatically turn the device on and off at predetermined times. Once the user has selected the desired mode, they can then move on to setting the timer’s time and date.

After the user has entered the time and date, they can then set the on and off times for the device. This can be done by pressing the appropriate buttons and entering the desired time. Once the times have been set, the user can save the settings and the timer will automatically operate according to the programmed time.

Enjoy Your Outdoor Space

After crafting a beautiful outdoor space, it is time to admire your hard work. Let the sun reflect off the stones in your patio, and the warmth of the firepit bring a sense of serenity. Invite friends and family over to soak in the beauty of your outdoor space and share conversation and laughter around the fire. Relax and unwind in your outdoor sanctuary, and enjoy the ambiance you have created.

Admire Your Handiwork

Now that the timer is installed, you can sit back and admire your handiwork. Take a moment to appreciate the space you’ve created, and the impact it has on your everyday life. From the outdoor lighting you’ve carefully placed around your garden, to the lush patches of grass that you’ve carefully groomed – each element plays an important role in adding to the overall look and feel of your outdoor space.

The bright colors in your garden flowers can make you feel happy, and the sounds of birds and other wildlife will provide a peaceful atmosphere to relax and unwind. As you take in the sights and sounds of your outdoor space, you may find yourself wanting to share it with others. Invite friends and family over to enjoy the space with you, and enjoy the company and conversation in the warm outdoors.

Your outdoor space is an extension of the house, and a place to relax and spend quality time with loved ones. Admire your handiwork and the transformation you’ve made, and use it to create lasting memories.

Invite Guests

Now that you have taken the time to install a timer and enjoy your outdoor space, why not share it with others? Inviting guests over to your outdoor space is a great way to show off your hard work and create lasting memories.

If you have a large outdoor space, consider throwing a small get-together. Gather some of your closest friends and family, and prepare a menu of light snacks and refreshing beverages. Set up some comfortable seating and string some lights around the perimeter of your yard for a special touch. Offer to help guests get settled with blankets and cushions, and get ready to mingle and catch up with all your loved ones.

If you prefer a more intimate setting, you can also host a cozy dinner with just a few of your closest friends. Put on some relaxing music and light up a few candles to create a romantic atmosphere. Throw some pillows on the ground and gather around for a picnic-style dinner. Share stories and memories, and enjoy each other’s company with the stars twinkling above.

Relax and Unwind

Now that your installation is complete, it’s time to relax and unwind in your outdoor space! Find a comfortable spot to sit and take a few moments to appreciate the view. You may be lucky enough to have a beautiful landscape to look out at, or maybe a lush garden with colorful flowers, or simply a cozy spot to sit in the sun. Take a deep breath and enjoy the sounds of nature – the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle breeze.

If the weather is warm, you may want to grab a blanket and a book or your favorite magazine and settle in for a few hours of peaceful relaxation. A light breeze and some light music can provide a calming atmosphere for you to truly unwind and forget the hectic pace of everyday life.

Your outdoor space can be a great place for entertaining as well. Invite friends over for a picnic or a barbecue, or just a few hours of conversation and laughter. You can find a spot to sit around the fire and share stories, or maybe a game of cards or two. Whatever you decide to do, the most important thing is to enjoy the moment with the people who matter most to you.


After all the hard work is done, you can enjoy your outdoor space with a beautiful light display. The extension cords are hidden and out of sight, and the lights can be programmed to turn on and off with a timer. Whether you’re hosting a gathering or just enjoying the outdoors, the string lights will add a pleasant ambience. With a bit of creativity and some elbow grease, you can transform any outdoor space into a welcoming oasis. So don’t hesitate to get creative and give your outdoor space the perfect lighting display.

How To Hide Extension Cord For Outdoor String Lights (5+ Ways) (2024)
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